INSCX – Suppliers of Nanomaterials – Online Ordering for Delivery Worldwide
Welcome to the online trade portal of INSCX exchange specific to worldwide delivery of engineered nanomaterials (ENMs), objects and devices. Nanomaterials are quoted in sample and by request in bulk volumes, real-time.
This section of the Exchange can be used to purchase and/or supply engineered nanomaterials (ENMs) grouped by the thematic classes of carbons, catalysts, ceramics, metals, mixed-metal-alloys, oxides, dispersions, functioning and photonics. Also quoted are a wide assortment of sub-micron and micron specialty materials.
There are currently over 1,000 nanomaterials listed live on this platform. Our database contains in excess of 4,500 nanomaterials, all sourced from audited and approved producer members of the Exchange. While our portal is being populated with additional materials, or in the event the material you require is not yet listed, please contact any member of our Customer Service team. The range of ENMs we can supply include Carbon Nanotubes, Graphene, Graphite, Ceramics such as nano-clays, Compounds, Dispersions, Drug Delivery Nanoparticles, Foams, Metals, Metal Alloys & Oxides, MOF, Nanowires, Photonics including Quantum Dots, POSS, Micron powders, Salts, Conductive Inks, nano-fertilizers, nano-polymers, nano-enabled polymer masterbatches ………….. High throughput Formulation / Dispersion services specific to engineered nanomaterials are also made available on a toll basis to our users. Feel welcome to discuss your requirements with us.
Without exception, all nanomaterials sourced through this platform are supplied, validated, inspected, and compliant – from producers who adhere to the CoP/CoCs identified as key to nanosciences and nanotechnologies, specifically the European Commission Code of Conduct and the Responsible NanoCode.
Furthermore, all ENM consignments are supplied characterised to prove conformity to specification and are also uniquely tracked-traced in real-time by INSCX for the purposes of assisting oversight agencies to perform analysis through the supply-chain from source to end-product.
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INSCX is the world’s marketplace for engineered nanomaterials, objects and devices (ENMs) that are supplied validated, compliant, inspected and traced as INSCX operates the only global, real-time, track – trace system for physical trade in these materials.