CO2 Harvesting Nanocarbons

This category is specific to engineered nanomaterials that are fabricated by way of harvesting CO2 (Carbon Dioxide), thus contributing to the industrial and societal effort to curb climate change. Specific to Carbon Corp Inc., a Canadian based nanoproducer and registered member of INSCX exchange, this process uses an alternative method to produce carbon nanomaterials from carbon dioxide via an electrochemical splitting reaction.

Using their proprietary Genesis Device®, the company transforms the greenhouse gas CO2 into valuable commodities such as carbon nanotubes or “CNTs” and other nanocarbons by high-yield electrolysis in molten salts.

The only reactant, CO2 is a no-cost resource and can be captured from industrial emitters or by Direct Air Capture.

A pilot plant has been constructed at the Shepard Energy Center in Alberta, Canada using technology developed by Carbon Corp. and its parent company C2CNT LLC. The pilot plant is designed to 200 tonnes of carbon nanomaterials per year and has successfully demonstrated the synthesis of multiwall carbon nanotubes, carbon nanoonions, carbon nanopearls, and carbon nanobamboo from carbon dioxide captured from the flue gas of a commercial power plant using its Genesis Device®.

For every tonne of nanomaterials produced via the C2CNT® technology, 4 tonnes of carbon dioxide are removed from the effluent. CO2 avoidance is then amplified though the addition of carbon nanomaterials to exiting materials from the enhanced properties.