Commodity Closing – Europe/Oil-Gas Majors 29.11.18
NEW YORK – Oil reversed course and rose as much as 3 percent on Thursday, after industry sources said Russia had accepted the need to cut production, together with OPEC ahead of its meeting next week. U.S. crude oil and natural gas proved reserves rose to record highs in 2017, driven by stronger energy prices and the continuing development of shale formations, the U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA) said on Thursday. Crude reserves increased 6.4 billion barrels, or 19.5 percent, to 39.2 billion barrels at year-end 2017, marginally higher than the previous record of 39 billion barrels set as far back as 1970.
NYMEX Crude Oil |
51.68 USD
+2.69% | Dec 18 | 12:01PM EST | |
ICE Brent Crude |
59.76 USD
+1.67% | Nov 18 | 7:00PM EST | |
NYMEX RBOB Gasoline |
1.45 USD
+3.55% | Nov 18 | 11:57AM EST | |
Dubai Crude Spot |
59.36 USD
+1.79% | Dec 02 | 12:11PM EST | |
ICE Gas Oil |
561.00 USD
-0.89% | Dec 18 | 7:00PM EST | |
NYMEX No2 Heating Oil |
1.84 USD
+0.34% | Nov 18 | 11:59AM EST | |
NYMEX Nat Gas |
4.53 USD
-3.64% | Dec 18 | 12:00PM EST | |
ICE NBP Nat Gas |
66.15 GBP
+2.10% | Nov 18 |